- URL:https://<schematicsserver-url>/searchDiagrams
- Version Introduced:10.1
The Schematic Search Diagrams operation is performed on the schematic service resource. The result of this operation is an array of Schematic Diagram Information Object.
It is used to search diagrams in the schematic service by criteria; that is, diagrams filtered out via a where clause on any schematic diagram class table field, diagrams that contain schematic features associated with a specific set of GIS features/objects, or diagrams that contain schematic features associated with the same GIS features/objects related to another set of schematic features.
- When specifying the where parameter and any other searchDiagrams parameter, the where criteria is ignored.
- When specifying both the relatedObjects and relatedSchematicObjects parameter, the search returns the diagrams which verify at least one of those parameters. That is, the list of diagrams returned from the relatedObjects parameter is merged with the list returned from the relatedSchematicObjects parameter.
You can provide arguments to the Schematic Search Diagrams operation as query parameters defined in the parameters table below.
New in 10.2
where parameter value must conform to the standardized queries. Learn more about standardized queries.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Details |
f | The response format. The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
where | A where clause for the query filter. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the schematic diagram class table is allowed. See the Schematic diagram class table fields section below to know the exact list of field names that can be used in this where clause. Sample One: Syntax and example for seaching diagrams updated by a given user Syntax: UPDATEDBY = '<updatedBy>' Example: UPDATEDBY = 'ABL4732' Sample Two: Syntax and example for searching diagrams stored in a given schematic folder and created by a given user Syntax: FOLDERID = <folderObjectID> AND CREATOR = '<createdBy>' Example: FOLDERID = 1 AND CREATOR = 'NCA3885' |
relatedObjects | An array containing the list of the GIS features/objects IDs per feature class/table name that are in relation with schematic features in the resulting queried diagrams. Each GIS feature/object ID corresponds to a value of the OBJECTID field in the GIS feature class/table. Syntax:
relatedSchematicObjects | An array containing the list of the schematic feature names per schematic feature class ID that have the same associated GIS features/objects with schematic features in the resulting queried diagrams. Each schematic feature name corresponds to a value of the SCHEMATICTID field in the schematic feature class. Syntax:
Schematic diagram class fields
Field Name to use in the WHERE clause | Data Type | Related item in the JSON Schematic Diagram Information Object |
ID | Long Integer | objectID |
NAME | Text | name |
FOLDERID | Long Integer | folderObjectID |
DIAGRAMCLASSID | Long Integer | templateObjectID |
LASTUPDATE | Date | lastUpdateDate |
VERSION | Text | version |
CREATIONDATE | Date | creationDate |
CREATOR | Text | createdBy |
UPDATEDBY | Text | lastUpdateBy |
LOCKSTATUS | Long Integer
| Not directly returned by the JSON Schematic Diagram Information Object. However, there is a link between LOCKSTATUS and the lockedBy item returned by the JSON Schematic Diagram Information Object. When LOCKSTATUS=0, lockedBy is empty. While when LOCKSTATUS=1 or 2, lockedBy is not empty. |
MODIFIEDBY | Text | lastModificationBy |
Example usage
Example 1: searchDiagrams with a where clause based on the FOLDERID field returns all the schematic diagrams stored in the specified schematic folder
Example 2: searchDiagrams with relatedObjects = [{"objectClassName": "Substation", "objectIDs": [1]}] returns all the schematic diagrams which contain schematic features associated with the Substation 1 GIS feature
Example 3: searchDiagrams with relatedSchematicObjects = [{"featureClassID": 100,"objectNames": ["37-1-0"]}] returns all the schematic diagrams which contain schematic features that have the same associated GIS features/objects with the 37-1-0 Substation schematic feature
JSON Response syntax
"diagrams" : [
<diagramInfo1—See the Schematic Diagram Information Object topic for the JSON Syntax>,
<diagramInfoN—See the Schematic Diagram Information Object topic for the JSON Syntax>
Learn about Schematic Diagram Information Object—JSON Syntax
JSON Response example
Response when where = CREATOR='NCA3885'
//For the sample schematic service, the only diagram created by the NCA3885 user is returned
"diagrams" : [
"name" : "ESTANCIA",
"id" : "0-334",
"templateIdentifier" : "0",
"templateObjectID" : 3204,
"schematicLayerIdentifier" : 0,
"folderObjectID" : 1,
"folderIdentifier" : "1",
"objectID" : 334,
"createdBy" : "NCA3885",
"lastModificationBy" : "ABL4732",
"lastUpdateBy" : "",
"creationDate" : "01/21/2011 16:07:46",
"lastModificationDate" : "02/14/2011 18:34:46",
"lastUpdateDate" : "",
"lockedBy" : "",
"version" : "",
"extent" : {
"xmin" : 6.0370819091796868,
"ymin" : -8.059234619140625,
"xmax" : 29.909512329101563,
"ymax" : 11.059844970703125,
"spatialReference" : {
"wkid" : null
"rootNodes" : [
JSON Response example
Response when relatedObjects = [{"objectClassName" : "Feeder", "objectIDs" : [2]}]
//For the sample schematic service, two diagrams containing schematic features associated with the Feeder 2 GIS feature are found and returned
"diagrams" : [
"name": "Main_GoldmineAll",
"id": "0-3",
"templateIdentifier": "0",
"templateObjectID": 5443,
"schematicLayerIdentifier": 0,
"folderObjectID": 4,
"folderIdentifier": "4",
"objectID": 3,
"createdBy": "ABL4732",
"lastModificationBy": "ABL4732",
"lastUpdateBy": "",
"creationDate": "02/10/11 12:35:09",
"lastModificationDate": "02/11/11 10:35:08",
"lastUpdateDate": "",
"lockedBy": "",
"version": "SDE.DEFAULT",
"extent": {
"xmin": 378116.2965000011,
"ymin": 1545363.3225000005,
"xmax": 402460.91349999979,
"ymax": 1571390.8075000022,
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": null
"name": "Main_CentralArea",
"id": "0-1",
"templateIdentifier": "0",
"templateObjectID": 5443,
"schematicLayerIdentifier": 0,
"folderObjectID": 4,
"folderIdentifier": "4",
"objectID": 1,
"createdBy": "ABL4732",
"lastModificationBy": "ABL4732",
"lastUpdateBy": "NCA3885",
"creationDate": "02/10/11 11:31:03",
"lastModificationDate": "03/29/11 15:48:29",
"lastUpdateDate": "03/29/11 15:48:30",
"lockedBy": "",
"version": "SDE.DEFAULT",
"extent": {
"xmin": 371978.9869999974,
"ymin": 1540107.6944999993,
"xmax": 383462.8330000015,
"ymax": 1552900.375500004,
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 3519,
"latestWkid": 3519